Adolescent, Adult, and Family Counseling

Counseling Services


Free Phone or Video


If you have any specific questions or concerns about myself, or the counseling process, I provide a FREE 10-15 minute phone consultation. This allows us to get to know one another, as well as provides an opportunity for you to ask any questions or address any concerns you may have about this process. It also gives you and I both an opportunity to determine if my approach will fit your needs by addressing your presenting issue.

During this consult, we will also discuss insurance coverage or private pay rates.

Diagnostic Interview

Following the phone/video consultation, this is the first face to face (or video) session. This particular session will last approximately 90 minutes.

The purpose of this session is for us to meet one another, discuss your presenting issues, and to get some background information.


Couples and Family Sessions

The individual counseling session last between 50-60 minutes. If needed, longer sessions can be accommodated and priced accordingly.

Couple and family sessions are at times scheduled for 60-75 minutes based on the needs of the couple/family. Rates for couples and families will reflect the longer sessions as well as potentially individual sessions for each party involved.

For couples, there is also an assessment involved using the PREPARE/ENRICH platform. Depending on specific needs, the assessment may be required for an additional $35.00 fee.